Execl 設定格式化條件??
EXCEL 懊惱問題~10分 如果想係一直行裡面入一個日子,但如果已經係昨日日子(即過了期就變成其他顏色咁等........?? 其他末到期日子依然保持黑色... How Can I Do?? EXECL 有冇呢個功能? THANKS!!!
假設你的工作表是 Sheet1, 欄是 A, 列是1至10 入到 Sheet1 按 Alt+F11 輸入: Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Dim i As Integer Dim firstRow As Integer Dim lastRow As Integer Dim column As String * 1 firstRow = 1 '第一列數 lastRow = 10 '最後列數 column = "A" '欄名 For i = firstRow To lastRow If IsDate(Range(column & i).Value) = True Then If Range(column & i).Value
In addition.... If you want to use 'current date' as the guide, then you can put in =today() in one cell, and reference to this cell when doing conditional formatting.|||||首先係highlight你要做嘢果行 格式>設定格式化條件 第一格揀儲存格的值 中間果格揀小於 第三格係側邊有個掣,之後揀你要少於幾多等於過期 跟住禁下面格式掣揀顏色 再禁確定就搞掂喇