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夏威夷總面積 6,425 平方公里,還不到台灣的分之一。人口】 目前有 110 萬人口居住在夏威夷群島上,白人占 1/3,日本人占 1/4,中國人、韓國人、菲律賓人、西班牙、葡萄牙人、波里尼西亞人均佔相當比例。第二及第三代移民已完全美國化。同時各種族通婚的結果,也出現大批的混血新生代。 【語言】 夏威夷的官方語言有二種,英語及夏威夷語;但主要仍以英語為日常生活所使用的語言。 【文化】 在夏威夷主要文化的代表還是太平洋上的波里尼西亞文化。一些傳統的服裝、歌曲、手工藝品到處可見。例如男士所穿著的阿囉哈襯衫﹝Aolha Shirt﹞,女士所穿的寬鬆連身洋裝「姆姆」﹝Muumuu﹞以及處處可見的花環﹝Lei﹞都是夏威夷傳統文化之一。 【地理位置】 夏威夷位在亞洲與北美洲之間的太平洋上。整個夏威夷均在北迴歸線以南,包括八個火山群島: 一、【歐胡島】(Oahu Island) 歐胡島也許是世界上最變化多端和激動人心的渡假地。它有國際性大都市的魅力氣息,也具有大自然最 美和最浪漫的結合。 1、文化 Culture 大主教博物館收藏了兩千萬件藏品,包括由羽毛編成的皇家披肩和打仗用的可怕的武器。博物館有引人 入勝的夏威夷的歷史介紹,從第一個波利尼亞探險者的獨大舟時代到太空車在月球表面的登陸。每天還 有制作傳統的夏威夷手工藝品免費教授。 2、面積:594平方英里;長 44英里,寬 30英里。 3、 人口:863,100。 4、地理:Kaala 峰﹝4,003英尺﹞,海岸線:112英里。 5、島上交通~~~ 租車是最好的選擇。您的旅館和威基基區雖然會提供您一個完善的渡假區,但是要真正體驗歐胡島天堂般的享受,還是駕車四處漫遊最好。 租車-所有的租車公司在歐胡島皆有據點,您可租到任何一種車型,從一般的庭式小轎車到世界級頂尖的跑車﹝如 Lamborghini﹞都有。 公共汽車-這是一種經濟的旅遊方式,您可乘坐公共汽車環島一圈,只需一美元。威基基觀巴士-每天早上 8:30 到下午 6:30 在夏威夷皇家購物中心﹝Rryal Hawaii Shopping Center﹞,有威基基觀光巴士﹝Waikiki Trolley﹞可搭乘。每隔二十分鐘一班車,載您到市中心及威基基二十個觀光景點。巴士上有導遊解說,您只需購買一張車票後,即可在當日享受自由上下各個旅遊點之權利。 二、【茂宜島】(Maui Island) 百般不同的大自然美景和多多采的的遊樂活使得茂宜島成為一個非常受歡迎旅遊點。祗要來體驗一下, 便可以證實這一說法。正如夏威夷語:「Mau'i No Ka'Oi」意思是茂宜島最棒。 1、文化 Culture: Lahaina 曾是早期皇家都城和19世紀大部分時間的太平洋捕鯨業的中心,可以看到茂宜島上的極佳遠景。 在過去的傳教士時期和捕鯨業全勝期,Lahaina 港為在海上航行了多月的捕鯨船提供補綸和休息。 2、面積:729平方英里;長 48英里,寬 26英里。 3、人口:103,000人。 三、【夏威夷島】(Hawaii Island,又俗稱大島 Big Island) 夏威夷是1500年前波尼西亞人第一次登上這個島時給它起的名字。而現在,人們往往用夏威夷來代表整個州,所以當地居民就用「大島」來稱呼這座夏威夷州最大的島嶼。 1、文化 Culture 大島有十幾家別致的小型博物館和數不清的特色庭院。還有島上幾個古老遺跡目前也已開於給旅客參觀,它能帶給您對夏威夷文化及歷史更深入的瞭解。 2、面積 4,028平方英里哩;長度:93英里,寬度:76英里。它是由五個巨大的火山經歷長期噴發所形成。大島的面積大小是全夏威夷群島其他島嶼加起來的兩倍大。更具體而言,大島是美國德拉威州近兩倍的大小,三倍於美國東北部羅德島(Rhode lsland),也差不多是盧森堡的三倍大。 3、地理 最高點:Mauna Kea﹝13,796英尺﹞,海岸線:266海里。。 4、人口 總人口數:137,531。夏威夷族裔的祖先於南端卡拉也(Ka Lae)登陸,在與西方世界開始接觸的一千多年前,他們就發展出自己的文明。而夏威夷島也是一個來自界各國商人與補鯨業者匯集於此的繁忙海港。華人是最早一批移民到此的其他族裔,緊接著是日本人、葡萄牙人、菲律賓人、,薩摩亞人、琉球人、韓國人及波多黎各人,主要是製糖工業吸引他們來此工作。在大島上的居非常珍視他們的文化遺產,到處都可見不同族裔對自身文化的驕傲感,而這種感覺表現在食物、風俗習慣、建築、語言、民俗、藝品,及生活方式上。 夏威夷島多種族裔、多樣文化的居民,為此地創造出令人著迷多重面貌之藝術、文化、食物、慶典及歷史。 四、【可愛島】(Kauai Island) 可愛島翡翠色的美景,會讓你感覺它已經捕獲了自然界的所有風景,它以一種幾乎神秘的方式攝取你的心靈,讓你迷惑。乘座直升機欣賞那絲帶般瀉下的瀑布,由上空俯瞰它那峻峭的懸崖,或是在清晨留下您當天的第一個腳印於那原始的沙灘時,你將會受到她的魔力,讓你流連往返。 1、歷史History 作為夏威夷群主要的島嶼中最古老的一個島,傳說中可愛島的居者包括最初的夏威夷的神或晚一點的 Menehune 以及後來神話裡的小人,他們在晚上把這個不規則之處建成了靠近 Hanapepe 的兩邊布滿岩石的 Menehune Ditch 水渠。從公元1090年到1240年大溪地人在島上定居的證據,還可以從矗立在 Wailua River 邊保存良好的 Poliahu Heiau 寺廟的殘骸中看到。一直到幾百年後,詹母斯船長﹝Captain James Cook﹞於1778年在 Waimea 登陸,一座小型的紀念碑和雕象紀念了他的這一發現。 2、文化 Culture 可愛島的博物館絕對會令你的旅途更添特別之處。他們可讓你了解可愛島的文化和歷史;Grove Farm Homestead 博物館可以讓你認識一下19世紀種植園的生活;Koke'e Museum 博物館是 Kaua'i Coffee Visitor Center and Museum 在兩個經過裝修的植種園房子裡收藏著和咖啡有關的古董和工藝品。 3、面積 533平方英里;長度:33英里,寬度:25英里。 4、人口 52000。 五、【莫洛凱島】(Molokai Island) 莫洛凱島古代的名字是﹝Moloka'i Hakes﹞,是強大的祈禱者的意思。莫洛凱人免於戰爭的創傷,主要是因為對島上神父統治者的恐懼和尊重。今天,這種精神已經融入到島上的生活之中,使得莫洛凱與眾不同,成為那些厭倦了城市生活的人的一個精神避難所,冒險者的天堂。在它的奇特風景中,有世界最高的海崖、夏威夷最長的瀑布和最大的白沙海灘。 1、文化 Culture 最具夏威夷風味的島嶼﹝The Most Hawaiian lsland﹞在熱帶陽光普照的摩洛凱島上,您會發現一個遠離塵囂與快節奏現代生活,以及充滿天然美景與豐富文化內涵的生活方式。從徜徉在島上綿延數英哩未遭文明「破壞」、人跡稀少的白淨海灘,到駕船遊憩隱蔽之極、無路可通的自然荒野,您所經驗的將不只是令人嘆為觀止的天然美景,也是終日無所事事的純粹休閒。 2、莫裙舞的發源地 莫洛凱島是 hula 莫裙舞的發源地。第一次的表演是於西莫洛凱山坡的一個名為 Kaana 的地方。 3、面積: 260平方英里;長度:38英里,寬度:10英里。 4、人口:6,717人。莫洛凱島在夏威夷列島中的夏威夷原居民百份率是最高的。 5、地理: 最高點:卡瑪卡奧峰 Kamakou Peak﹝4961英尺﹞,海岸線:8英里。摩洛凱島是夏威夷島的第五大島,島上的最西端與歐胡島僅有22海浬之遙。全島長38英哩、寬10英哩,擁有88英哩長的天然海岸線,島上任何一處距離海邊都不會超過5英哩遠。根據科學家的考證證,摩洛凱島形成年代超過兩百萬年,東、西兩座火山的噴發活動造就了此島中地區富饒可耕的平原土地,島上居民迄今仍受其惠。
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Hawaii (?ōlelo Hawai?i: Hawai?i) became the 50th state of the United States on August 21, 1959. It is situated in the North Pacific Ocean, 2,300 miles (3,700 km) from the mainland, at 21°18′41″N, 157°47′47″W. During roughly 1778–1898, Hawaii was also known as the Sandwich Islands. In dialects of American English, "Hawaii" is pronounced at least three different ways: (IPA pronunciation: [h?.?wa?.ji], [h?.?wa?.i], [h?.?wa?.?i]). In the Hawaiian language, there is also some variation possible, but the most general pronunciation is [h?.?w?i.?i]. Hawaii was first inhabited in roughly AD 1000, by Polynesian settlers who came from islands in the South Pacific, most likely the Marquesas. For nearly 800 years, the people of Hawaii lived in a complex caste society governed by various warring chiefdoms and an extensive system of religious and social taboos called the kapu system. British explorer James Cook chanced upon the Hawaiian archipelago in 1778 in what is commonly assumed to be the first European contact with Hawaiians, however, substantial evidence (Stokes 1932 for example) exists of earlier Spaniard visits to Hawaii. With the help of foreign advisors and weapons, a Hawaiian warrior known as Kamehameha began a gradual ascent to power. Before his death in 1819, Kamehameha had succeeded in conquering (through military force, or in the case of Kauai and Niihau, by other political means) all of the major Hawaiian islands, a feat never before accomplished in the history of the islands. The kingdom established by Kamehameha lasted until 1893, when the last Hawaiian monarch, Liliuokalani, was overthrown in a coup led by supporters of the Reform Party of the Hawaiian Kingdom and replaced by a Provisional Government, and later a Republic. During the kingdom and republic era, Hawaii's economy transitioned from that of an isolated state into that of a state integrated into the world's free market, producing and exporting more than two hundred thousand tons of sugar annually[2]. In 1898, Hawaii was annexed to the United States of America and attained statehood in 1959. Hawaii is the southernmost state of the United States, and would be the westernmost, if not for Alaska. It is one of the only two states (Alaska being the other) that are outside the contiguous United States, and do not share a border with another U.S. state. Hawaii is the only state that: (1) is without territory on the mainland of any continent; (2) is completely surrounded by water; and (3) continues to grow in area because of active extrusive lava flows, most notably from Kilauea (Kīlauea). Except for Easter Island, Hawaii is the furthest from any other body of land in the world. Hawaii's tallest mountain stands over 13,000 feet (4,000 meters).|||||Hawaii History Main article: History of Hawaii [edit] Hawaiian antiquity Main articles: Ancient Hawaii, Hawaiian mythology, Polynesian mythology Anthropologists believe that Polynesians from the Marquesas and Society Islands first populated the Hawaiian Islands at some time after AD 300-500, although recent evidence has pointed to an initial settlement of as late as 800-1000. It is not resolved whether there was only one extended or two isolated periods of settlement. The latter view of an initial Marquesan settlement, followed by isolation and Tahitian settlers in approximately 1300 who conquered and eliminated the original inhabitants of the islands, is hinted at in folk tales, like the stories of Hawaiiloa (Hawai?iloa), Paao (Pā?ao), and menehunes. There is a theory that: (1) there was only one extended period during which groups of immigrants repeatedly arrived; and (2) contact with their former homelands was not lost until the early 2nd millennium. This theory has become more accepted among some scientists, as direct evidence for a massive conquest and a sudden replacement of cultural practices has not been found in the archaeological record. Voyaging between Hawaii and the South Pacific apparently ceased with no explanation several centuries before the arrival of the Europeans (although at that time, there seems to have been a general decline in overseas trade and voyaging across Polynesia; see Henderson Island). Local chiefs, called alii (ali?i), ruled their settlements and fought to extend their sway and defend their communities from predatory rivals. Warfare was endemic. The general trend was toward chiefdoms of increasing size, even encompassing whole islands. Vague reports by various European explorers suggest that Hawaii was visited by foreigners well before[citation needed] the 1778 arrival of British explorer Captain James Cook. Historians credited Cook with the discovery after he was the first to plot and publish the geographical coordinates of the Hawaiian Islands. Cook named his discovery the Sandwich Islands in honor of one of his sponsors, John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, and reported the native name as Owyhee. His visit is confirmed by Hawaiian legends that called for a fair-skinned man — the god Lono — to return to the Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaiians initially believed Cook to be this legendary visitor. It is possible that Portuguese or Spanish ships could have previously visited the islands, leading to the tale that Lono had promised to return to the islands. mORE IN http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii#History (pLEASE CHOOSE ME...HHEE^_____^)F5B24A77BB847046