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請各位大大幫忙 小弟 感激不盡北海道簡介北海道位於位日本列島的最北端,面積有83,451平方公里,佔日本全國總面積的22%。北海道是由北海道大島和利尻、禮文、天賣、燒尻、奧尻等 5 個小島以及俗稱為北方領土國後、擇捉、色丹和齒舞 4 個島嶼組成。北海道舊稱蝦夷,島上原住民為阿伊努族人。明治時代 (1868 年 ~... 顯示更多 請各位大大幫忙 小弟 感激不盡 北海道簡介 北海道位於位日本列島的最北端,面積有83,451平方公里,佔日本全國總面積的22%。 北海道是由北海道大島和利尻、禮文、天賣、燒尻、奧尻等 5 個小島以及俗稱為北方領土國後、擇捉、色丹和齒舞 4 個島嶼組成。 北海道舊稱蝦夷,島上原住民為阿伊努族人。 明治時代 (1868 年 ~ 1912年),日本人開始移居北海道,傾力開墾這片土地。我們的祖先用自己的雙手披荊斬棘,開辟原始林地,開始了從事農業和漁業的生活。 現在,距開墾這片處女地僅僅過了一個世紀的今天,北海道已發展成為日本國內屈指可數的糧倉。 北海道一年四季景色優美,引人入勝。春天,滿山遍野盛開的鮮花和野草使大地煥然一新。 夏天,青山闊海更能夠使遊山戲水的旅遊觀光客精神煥發。是年輕一覽高山植物,登山遠遊的最佳季節。 秋天則更是滿山紅葉、美不勝收的季,冬天的北海道在您的面前展現了一片銀白色的世界,鄂霍次克沿海有漂來的流冰、美麗的丹頂鶴和白天鵝構成了大自然的優美世界。 在各地展開的各種各樣的冬季觀光活動,使來訪的旅遊觀光能夠飽覽北海道獨特的山水風光,再加上北海道所特有的鮮珍海味,更會增加旅遊觀的魅力。 更新: 能否幫忙 分段翻譯 感激不盡
Hokkaido on the Hokkaido Japanese archipelago is located in the northern end, with an area of 83, 451 square kilometers, Japan occupied the country's total area of 22%. Hokkaido is by the Big Island of Hokkaido and ochotensis, ritual text, days to sell, burning end of spine, Okushiri island five and commonly known as the northern territories country, Etorofu, Shikotan and Habomai four islands. Yezo formerly Hokkaido island for the aboriginal Ainu people. Meiji era (1868-1912), the Japanese began to emigrate to Hokkaido, upon this piece of land reclamation. Our ancestors with their own hands ahead and open up the virgin forest, started in the agricultural and fisheries life. Now, before this piece of virgin land opened up only after a century, Hokkaido in Japan have become pawns of the granary. Hokkaido seasons beautiful, and fascinating. Spring Valley blooming flowers and weeds to make the earth a new look. Summer, the width of Castle Peak to make the harbor more outbound tourism Hill Water tourist resorts. List young alpine plants, climbing to seek their fortunes in the best season. Nowhere is the fall of the biggest mountains, breath-taking quarter, the winter of Hokkaido in front of you displayed a silver-white world, Okhotsk coast are drifting to the ice, beautiful red-crowned crane and white swan pose a beautiful world of nature. Various localities in a variety of winter recreational activities, so that visiting tourists to enjoy the scenery of Hokkaido unique scenery, coupled with the unique Hokkaido precious fresh seafood, This will be increased tourist destination.
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