香港邊度有 tarina tarantino Bags buy?
want to buy tarina tarantino bag in HK~
You properly will able to find Tarina Tarantino's designs in the following addresses in HK, but I don't sure if there is bag or not. SEIBU - Kowloon Hotel 19 - 21 Nathan Road Tsim Sha Tsui Hong Kong, China Phone: (852) 3693 2388 SEIBU - Langhan Place 8 Argyle Street Hong Kong, China SEIBU - Pacific Place Phase II 95 Queensway Hong Kong, China Phone: (852) 2971 3833 SEIBU - Windsor House 311 Gloucester Road Hong Kong, China For further information, plz go to the webside of Tarina Tarantino, and you may find the latest designs of Tarina and search for the locations of shops all over the world.
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